Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Against contempt

This post comes closer that any I have read for a while to summing up the feelings of those, including myself, who have served honorably and with distinction while being vilified by a broad swath of our society, politicians, and media. I think that the post is worth reading simply to glimpse a view of what the people who man and support that thin line of defense think.


chris j pluger said...

Denny, your brother (a non-contributing Factor on this blog who really needs to get his butt in gear and start contributing) made some similar points today on national radio, as a caller on a show which has a small amount of what David might call "conservative bias."

Bacon Ninja said...

I don't really have anything substantive to add (as if there's ever been a time where I have) but I am glad that I read that entire thing.

Also I figured I should make an effort to contribute as well.