Saturday, January 26, 2008

John McCain for President of the United States

A large part of the debate leading up to any election is the nature of the issues that motivate voters to go to the polls. Very often, voters are reduced to categories like Values or Economy. With a certain disdain, the media and political pundits disregard what they consider to be “single issue voters” as being uninformed.

Perhaps more than ever before, the 2008 presidential election is a one-issue election. The question before the American people in this election is whether to continue the current prosecution of the War on Terror or to turn our attention away from that concern to address other issues.

Many American voters seem to have embraced the notion that “America needs a change” and that embrace is due in large part to the fact that those voters fail to understand the nature of the threat arrayed against us on the international stage. These voters fail to understand that most important job of the President of the United States is to keep America strong and safe against its international enemies.

Without strength and security, no other issues that have become part of the upcoming election matter. If we are not strong and safe as a nation, we subject ourselves to an era of fear and uncertainty that make the issues of this election irrelevant.

I will be the first person to admit that I am a single-issue voter, and my issue is ensuring that my nation is strong and safe so that my fellow citizens have the luxury of concerning themselves with other things. It is for this reason alone that I endorse Senator John McCain as my candidate for the Republican Primary and, hopefully, for the general election.

Of course, I disagree with Senator McCain on a variety of issues, but that state of disagreement is true with all of the candidates currently running. What draws me to McCain is his clear, unambiguous, and consistent stance on the War on Terror and on foreign policy. Senator McCain understands the single issue that dominates this election better than any other candidate does.

I believe that, with Senator McCain as president, we have the chance to finish what we have started in Afghanistan and Iraq and to succeed. I believe that McCain has credibility with our military that no other candidate can claim. Further, I believe that Senator McCain has the best vision for ensuring that we remain strong and secure after Afghanistan and Iraq become history.

In the upcoming election, Americans have a choice to make, and that choice is whether to press forward with the War on Terror or to return to the ignorant domestic focus we shared on September 10th, 2001. Unless we elect a president with a clear vision on how to keep America strong and secure, we risk repeating that history. I believe John McCain is the only candidate that has the clear vision to lead us forward to the kind of strength and security that will let us dwell on the other issues our nation faces.


This post was also posted on Dennis L Hitzeman’s Worldview Weblog


chris j pluger said...

Having read David's most recent post, I'd say you're due for another two-week suspension.

Watch out.

Dennis L Hitzeman said...

Wow, four weeks off in just two blog posts!

Who knew offending people could be this fun.


David said...

I knew I should have considered the content of my first post more wisely. (Can you consider wisely?)

I'm sure Denny has offended someone, but it isn't me. Nevertheless, when I get the time, I'll post a rebuttal to this post. Of course, I'll try not to offend anyone.

Keba said...

And I'm sure this will offend someone...